Tuesday, March 17, 2015


"Luck is believing you're lucky."   Tennessee Williams

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  Today, March 17th, is the day the Irish celebrate the death of the foremost patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick.  Having been raised a true Irish Catholic, this day is reserved for wearing of the green, eating cornbeef/ cabbage and the day during Lent when the restrictions of eating and drinking alcohol is lifted. This lifting of restrictions has resulted in the holiday's tradition, at times, of the over indulgence of alcohol consumption.
Growing up my father told us that on St. Patrick's Day, everyone was Irish or wished they were.  He took great pride in the Irish culture and the day of celebration.  There has been many concerns about excessive celebrating and in as late as 2007, Father Vincent Twomey of Ireland wrote, "It is a time to reclaim St. Patrick's Day as a church festival" and questioned the "need for mindless alcohol-fueled consumption."
As we celebrate this festive holiday, wear your green with pride, drink responsibly and enjoy the sunshine in the Irish eyes.  May the luck of the Irish be with you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy St, Patrick's day