Monday, March 9, 2015

Day Light Savings Time

"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealth, and wise."
Ben Franklin

Although this old proverb does hold a lot of credence, I find the use of Day Light Savings Time (DST) does nothing to ensure the promoting of these historical words. First, there is the nuisance factor of resetting your clocks twice a year.  Second, given that I have cancer, I don't think that DST or getting up early cures cancer.  Thirdly, I like the quiet time one can enjoy in darkness.  As a matter of fact, I like it when I wake-up at 3:00 in the AM to go to the bathroom and all the world seems quite and still.  I don't enjoy it when it is still dark in the morning and my phone starts ringing an hour earlier than I'm prepared for. Nor when it's still light out and I want to relax in the stillness of the night.
Most people who read this may say "There are advantages to DST", like more daylight for recreation, reducing heating and lighting demands, or less automobile accidents but it still takes my a few good weeks to the time adjustment.  Having cancer has made me feel more protective of my valuable time.
Well I guess my only choice is to stop complaining and get with the program or move to Arizona or Hawaii, where they don' t observe DST.   For now I think I will stay right here in New England and enjoy the beauty of the snow for an hour longer and realize that spring has not sprung with our moving the clocks ahead an hour!

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