Monday, February 2, 2015

Healthy Eating

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetable smelled as good as bacon."    Doug Larson

When I learned of my cancer, I was referred to a registered dietitian.  She was very helpful in getting me to begin eating healthier.  I decided today to blog about some of the fruits and vegetables she shared with me.  This information is useful for everyone whether you have cancer or not.
The first fruit on my healthy eating list are apricots.  They are very rich in betacrptoxanthin, and have been shown in studies to prevent osteoarthritis and inflammatory forms of arthritis.  They also have high levels of magnesium, which strengthen bones and may ease pain.  During the winter months when we in the north can not get fresh apricots, I use dried fruit.  During the summer months when apricots are available, I stuff them with goat cheese and almonds (a good nut for breast cancer prevention).
Next on my list are tomatoes.  They are loaded with healthy antioxidants , vitamin C, lycopene ( may help to lower cardiovascular risks) and quercetin (may help with inflammatory components that damage joints).  When juicy tomatoes are not in season, I buy plum, grape or cherry varieties, which are very tastier.  One way I enjoy tomatoes is by chopping them with basil and garlic and serve on toasted bread.  A flavorful addition to a big bowl of soup in the winter.
Walking through  the grocery store today, I noticed chunks of watermelon, the third item on my list.  Watermelon is a great source of bone-healthy vitamin A, potassium and magnesium.  It is available in most grocery stores year-round.  I like to add chunks of it to ice tea with mint leaves.
Green vegetables, squash of any variety, and carrots round out the other items on my list.  Most of them are a good source of vitamins A, B, C, calcium, magnesium and potassium. All of these may help strengthen bones and ease pain.
In closing, I also recommend the book Unjunk Your Diet, by Desiree Nielsen (Skyhorse Publishing).  It is a helpful guide to improving general good health by eating the right foods. Happy Healthy Eating!

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