Tuesday, February 3, 2015


"Sometimes, it's just easier to say yes to that extra snack or dessert, because frankly, it is exhausting to keep saying no.  It's exhausting to plead with our kids to eat just one more bite of vegetables."     Michelle Obama

Believe me I know first hand  how hard it is to give up snacking between meals or choosing healthy snacks over unhealthy ones.  My doctor is always reminding me that healthy eating can only aid in my cancer treatment.  I think most people carry around this struggle even if they are not fighting a chronic disease.
Lately, I''m getting in the habit of freezing grapes and blueberries, I then use them as a snack instead of candy or cookies.  When I have doctor appointments or other appointments that I know I will be sitting around waiting, I pack snacks like a peeled mandarin oranges,  nuts, carrots and celery sticks, so I am not tempted to snack at the vending machines.  I found that a mid-day healthy snack also helps me not to experience a late-afternoon slump.                                                                                             Today I decided to give my refrigerator a makeover to help with my effort to snack better. First I am placing fruits and veggies inside clear containers, along side yogurt ans salad fixings on a shelf at eye level.  The objection is to open the refrigerator door and have these items grab my attention.  Next I throw away any takeout containers to help discourage me from eating more take-out.
These things are small things to help me.  I know I have to work at it daily.  To that I say Good Luck!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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