Monday, February 23, 2015

In Living Color

"Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!"  Miley Cyrus

While we are still in the throes of our winter deep freeze here in New England (possible snow again this coming weekend, did someone say March?), I decided to change the channel.  I went to the local grocery store and brought a beautiful pot of primroses in shades of pink, along with a tall bright, vibrant yellow daffodil plant.  When I got home I placed them in my kitchen window.  With the snowy background in the yard, the vibrant colors instantly lifted my mood.
This small act of creativity, inspired me to walk around the house and write a list of bright hues to add to my living room, bedroom and bathroom, in the form of curtains, pillows, placemats and sheets.  From my linen closet I selected a multiple combinations of color to help bring spring inside.
These little pops of color really added needed sunshine and love to my day. Only 24 more days until SPRING!!!!

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