Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."   Ambrose Redmoon

Today I have to call and schedule my next PET-scan. For those not familiar with the term, PET-scan uses a small amount of an injected radioactive drug to the individual to show where  cancer cells are active in the body. I know it doesn't seem logical to have to add more poison into the system just to know where the poison is invading the body. I don't make the rules, I just follow them.
This test always makes me fearful because I have to learn about the unknown, but I know it takes courage to do what needs to be done.  This reminds me of something my husband always says to me, " If you are going to strike out, go out swinging."  As you may have guessed, he is a big baseball fan. He tells me often, that this is a winning mindset.
With this in mind, I try to envision going into the scanning tunnel with the thought of my cancer cells evaporating before the camera because I am stronger and more courageous than the cancer cells.  I mentally visualize destroying the cancer cells in my body with the injected poison.  In my mind I keep the heartfelt wish that I will see my two grown children mature and become more independent, marry, have their own children and live a full life.  This has given me the courage to continue to live a purposeful and meaningful life.
In closing,  the main purpose of creating this blog is to be a voice of encouragement to women like me, who are fighting in the trenches with courage and not guided by fear. I hope I accomplished this goal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you make me cry love you