Sunday, February 22, 2015


"Turmeric is a perennial plant from the ginger family. Turmeric is a great source of the cancer fighting compound curcumin."  Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD

When I first was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer is 2011,I have become increasingly motivated to eat foods that help facilitate recovery.  I am even more interested with natural non-toxic approaches to treat my cancer.
Studies at the Cancer Centers of America have shown that one of these approaches include the use of turmeric, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can help fight cancer. The women of Okinawna, Japan drink turmeric tea daily and have one fifth the rate of breast cancer than American women.  Traditional doses are in the range of 2-3 tsps. of turmeric daily, according to Julie T Chen, MD, Integrative Medicine.
Here's a quick little recipe that I found online and drink regularly.  Feel free to adjust the proportions of fresh ginger and or turmeric.
1 cup of water
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
a splash of almond milk, soy milk or cow milk
honey, agave, or maple syrup
In a small saucepan, bring water to boil and simmer for 10 minutes.  Stir in milk and strain tea into cup.  Add sweetener to taste.

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