Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It' the time of the season

           "Don't keep allowing the same  things to upset you.  Life is to short to live that way.  Every day is a GIFT."  Joel Olseen

Happy tuesday!  Here in New England we are experiencing the Blizzard of 2015, which gives me a good time to reflect.
 One benefit I discovered from having cancer is every day is a gift and every moment is truly a gift if you allow it to be.  I've also learned that when I couldn't "do",  God was just pleased with me "being".  This reminds me to stay grateful and focused on what is truly important.  I believe this is even more important to remind myself when you are dealing with a devil like cancer,
When I  was first diagnoised with cancer in December, 2011, I remember crying for 10 minutes and then it was over.  I told myself to focus, pull myself together and  begin to fight. So I did, not giving up on myself.
I'm currently doing better and some of the time I can forget I have stage four cancer, although in the back of my mind, I can't help wondering what and where my cancer is doing in my body.  This  is when I take time out of my day to just meditate and relax.
Let it snow, let snow, let it snow!          

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