Tuesday, June 30, 2015

4th of July

"Warning: 4th of July remains an attractive target for active threats of violent extremist acts by Syrian based ISIS members."  ABC News

When I read this news warning my first thought was fear and I wanted to call my son who lives and works in Philadelphia, and warn him to be careful.  Then I had a second thought that this would only provoke anxiety and not be very helpful. Unfortunately, the people who believe in the ISIS cause have no fear and are willing to risk their lives for their religious belief. The irony of this is that I like many others are fighting cancer to save our lives while others have no respect for human life.
I concluded that like many Americans during this holiday weekend I need to be aware of the threat but not allow ISIS to win by living in fear.
I hope the threat of terrorism does not take away the importance of our right to celebrate our independence and freedom.  I also hope that ISIS can be kept at a safe distance from the United States and be kept from causing more harm and fear to other parts of the world.

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