Saturday, July 25, 2015


"Life is full of setbacks,  Success is determined by the way you respond to them."
Dr. Phil

These last two weeks have been a series of ups and downs with my fight against cancer.  I learned during this time that my cancer has spread in my breast, however,
has remained stable in the rest of my body.  I am going through radiation treatment for the next month and a half.  I have decided the postpone my blog until I feel well enough to write a note of encouragement.  Thanks all the bloggers who support me and hope everyone is doing well.  My prayers remain with those with or supporting cancer patients everywhere.

Friday, July 10, 2015


"A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, and economic legaicies-all the things that quite literally makes us who we are."   Steve Berry

The removal of the southern confederate battle flag from South Carolin's state grounds today was a very important step in establishing the true heritage of the southern pride.  Starting two weeks ago a white main said that he killed the nine African-American churchgoers in a Charleston church was an attempt to start race wars in South Carolina.  The young man took pictures of himself holding the confederate battle flag with a rifle to show white supremacy and posted them online.
Unfortunately this young man then proceeded to go to an AME church and shot nine bible churchgoers.  This began the conversation about the flags symbol of slavery and racism.
Today with the support of most Southern Carolina's the flay was lowered permanently and will be displayed in a museum to reserve the heritage of the Confederate leaders and pay a tribute to those who fought for confederacy beliefs. This heritage is vital to our cultural as the United States of America united under one flag.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Gun Control

" The rifle itself has no moral statue, since it has no will of it's own.  Naturally, it may be used for evil men for evil purposes but there are more good men than evil,and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they  can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle

Today while I was in the parking lot of Walmart, an older man pulled into the parking space next to me that had a over sized red sign in his back window, that read
"NRA  Stand and Fight".  The sign was so large that it covered the right back window.  My first thought was that the sign must block his side view vision.  Then I started to think why did he feel so compelled to advertise his views on gun rights and control.
I know our amendment's provide us with the rights of free speech but it does not have to infringe on other peoples rights to drive on our streets without making a hazard for other drivers on the road. I also think that out amendment right to bare arms also do not include the rights of those that have so much anger that the have to go out and shot innocent people, as was the case at Newtown Elementary School, the movie theater in Colorado, and numerous other fatalities that have occurred in the United States.
I think people have their rights to free speech but I think that the gun advocates should get out and also fight for control over who uses those guns and for what purpose. They should set the example for good men with rifles rather than accept evil use of rifles by evil people.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Success of Teamwork

"Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."    Henry Ford

More than 22 million viewers watched yesterday as the American woman's soccer team successfully won the World Cup over Japan.  Not being much of a soccer fan, I put the game on and became glued to the tv as the American women triumphed.  I was very surprised at the strength and endurance of these women.  For about 90 minutes these women ran, kicked, blocked and scored 5 goals that were hard earned.  The women work together in unity to achieve the success.  Given the 4th of July holiday we were observing it was wonderful to be a part of an American strong event.  Congratulations to the team and coaches for a job well done!


"Happy people don't have the best of everything, they made the best of everything of everything."

When I a read this simple quote on a local bulletin billboard, I thought how easy it was to find love in everything if you live in the moment.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tribute to Life

"Cancer is a word, not a sentence."

Yesterday I learned of the death of an acquaintance who died of ovarian cancer.  She has been fighting the cancer for a little longer than me, 4 years.  I had heard that she was dong well last summer but that the cancer had recurred this past winter.  My first response when I heard of her passing was sadness and guilty, that I was doing good and that she didn't make it.
The death of this friend forced me to focus, to prioritize and learn what's important. I reassured myself that "Only by the grace of god go I". I pray for her family and hope they find peace in that she was a kind and loving person who was a good mother, daughter, wife and friend.
When I learn of the death of others I know from cancer, I remind myself that this event should make me stronger and make me want to fight harder against cancer. I realize that my mortality is at an optimal distance and I work at not letting it get so up close that it blurs everything else. As I have shared in other blogs, for me, gratitude is my best defense.